Site Map 位置圖
MAP 谷歌地圖 (巨眼天文儀器社的位置)
地鐵 + 巴士
巨眼天文儀器社位於港島西部, 從金鐘地鐵站上蓋太古廣場門口, 往中環方向, 可乘坐 1, 5, 5B, 10號巴士至西營盤正街下車,向前步行 。
香港西營盤皇后大道西 335~339號 崑保商業中心1404室(萬盛物業右側入)
地鐵 + 的士
亦可乘地鐵至上環終點站, 在 E3 出口林士街的士站坐的士, $28~30
地鐵 + 電車
或在上環乘坐西行電車 (屈地街/ 堅尼地城均可) 至西邊街下車.
巨眼天文儀器社位處的 崑保商業中心1404室, 就在 萬盛物業右側入。
Grand Eye Scientific Co. is located at the western side of Hong Kong Island. CENTAMAP 中原地圖
Rm1404, Kenbo Commercial Building, 335-339 Queen's Road West, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong (entrance at the right side of Man Force estate agency Ltd.)
By driving:
By taxi: Either by MTR to Sheung Wan terminus, to exit E3 Rumsey Street Taxi station, tell the driver go to border of Western Street and Des Voeux Road West, taxi fee around HK$28~30.
By bus:
Exit from Sheung Wan, Central or Admiralty MTR station, take west bound bus no. 5,5B take off at stop of Des Voeux Rd after passing Centre St. No. 1 & 10 take off at stop of Queen's Rd West with Centre St.
By tram: West bound with Whitty Street or Kennedy Town destination, take off at junction of Des Vouex Rd & Western Street,
Prominent Landmark nearby
Eastern side of Western Police Station
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