品牌分類 by BRANDS
- 美德 Meade
- 高橋 Takahashi
- 景德 William Optics
- Software Bisque
- 蔡司 Carl Zeiss
- 尼康 Nikon
- Thousand Oaks
- 巨眼 Grand Eye
- 其他 Others
儀器分類 by CATEGORY
- 雙筒望遠鏡 Binoculars
- 折射式望遠鏡 Refracting telescope
- 反射式及折反射式望遠鏡 Reflecting & Catadioptric telescope
- 赤道儀 / 經緯儀 Equatorial mount/ Altazimuth mount
- 太陽觀測 Solar observing
- 附件
- 目鏡 Eyepiece
- 雙目裝置 Binoviewer
- 調焦座 Focuser
- 轉接環 Adapter
- 雷射筆 Laser pointer
- 太陽濾光片 Solar filter & viewer
- 儀器保護箱 Carry case
- 三腳架 Tripod
- 其他 Others
To all schools in Hong Kong:

凡購買天文儀器滿港幣8000 元或Meade 套裝 天文望遠鏡,可免費獲得一次由天文匯派員到貴校提供儀器使用課程。
詳情可電郵 本公司 或致電 96383899查詢
All purchases exceed HKD8000 amount, your school will be granted a free seminar on telescope operation, care and maintenance.
For details, please contact our company or phone 96383899
Grand Eye Scientific Company.巨眼天文儀器社
- address
- Room A 11/F Hoi On Commercial Building, 8 Mui Fong Street, Hong Kong next to Best Western Harbout View Sai Ying Pun
MTR Sai Ying Pun Station exit A1
近華麗海景酒店左側, 港鐵西營盤站A1出口 - tel
- (852) 9638 3899 只限10AM-8PM接聽
- open
- Mon~Fri: 1100~1900H; Sat 1300~1800H
Sun & Public Holiday please call
8 Mui Fong Street 梅芳街8號,there is no Hoi On Commercial Building sign plate

Grand Eye Scientific Company (G.E.S.C.) was established in 1995. Under an occasional opportunity to deal with Japan Takahashi telescope company, our telescope business started. In 1996, we co-operated with the world's largest telescope manufacturer Meade Instruments Corporation as the first distributor in China, .
During the past years, we serve the general public, schools, univerisities, private sectors and government departments of Hong Kong. Thanks to the internet, our business spread over the five continents.
We aim to serve everybody on this planet as our slogan says: Ease? popularity of astronomy, serve the community
Once again, we would like to thank you for all customers who have contributed their effort to our growth.
We look forward to serving you all in the near future.
Clear skies!
巨眼天文儀器社 於1995 年成立。在一個偶然的機會下,
訂購日本高橋望遠鏡及赤道儀 ,及後與全球最大望遠鏡
生產商 Meade 合作 , 成為全中國首間經銷商,開始服務香港天文同好。
一直以來,全港各中小學,大專院校 、政府部門, 私人機 構及個別人仕
都是我 們的服務對象 . 我們的望遠鏡批發及零售業務,萌芽在香港,並透過互聯網,客戶遍佈全球五大洲。
並秉承我們的口號 : 普及天文 、 服務社群
其靈感來自80年代在香港曾經舉行過的「巨眼探穹蒼」觀星營 。顧名思義,用巨大的眼睛窺探宇宙,巨大的眼睛當然是指巨型天文望遠鏡。