品牌分類 by BRANDS
- 美德 Meade
- 高橋 Takahashi
- 景德 William Optics
- Software Bisque
- 蔡司 Carl Zeiss
- 尼康 Nikon
- Thousand Oaks
- 巨眼 Grand Eye
- 其他 Others
儀器分類 by CATEGORY
- 雙筒望遠鏡 Binoculars
- 折射式望遠鏡 Refracting telescope
- 反射式及折反射式望遠鏡 Reflecting & Catadioptric telescope
- 赤道儀 / 經緯儀 Equatorial mount/ Altazimuth mount
- 太陽觀測 Solar observing
- 附件
- 目鏡 Eyepiece
- 雙目裝置 Binoviewer
- 調焦座 Focuser
- 轉接環 Adapter
- 雷射筆 Laser pointer
- 太陽濾光片 Solar filter & viewer
- 儀器保護箱 Carry case
- 三腳架 Tripod
- 其他 Others
To all schools in Hong Kong:

凡購買天文儀器滿港幣8000 元或Meade 套裝 天文望遠鏡,可免費獲得一次由天文匯派員到貴校提供儀器使用課程。
詳情可電郵 本公司 或致電 96383899查詢
All purchases exceed HKD8000 amount, your school will be granted a free seminar on telescope operation, care and maintenance.
For details, please contact our company or phone 96383899
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FSQ-85EDX OTA, 包1.01x平場镜及#50接環 特價 $20900 6月中到港
Reducer-QE 0.73 $3780 現貨
Extender-ED 1.5x $2420 現貨

高橋減焦/平場/延焦大處決! Takahashi Reducer/Flattener/Extender KO price
TKA86580L 645 Reducer-CA 0.72x CCA-250用 $12200
Welcome to Takahashi China MAIN PAGE ! 歡迎蒞臨高橋中國主頁!

可能是地球上最好的望遠鏡 Perhaps the best telescope on earth
自1979年高橋株式會社推出FC-90至今, 都一直生產螢石超消息差折射望遠鏡.
自始, 高橋不祇生產口徑達250mm的螢石超消息差折射望遠鏡,
亦有製造赤道儀及登峰造極級數之望遠鏡如FSQ-106, 雙曲面天體攝影儀,
BR-C, N-C及D-K等等. 小至TG-SP2的極軸赤道儀到高達160公斤負載、2.5弧秒追蹤精度
的EM-3500天文台級柱式赤道儀, 高橋皆有生產. 與此同時,
高橋亦生產兩款小巧而精緻的地平式座架, 它們均設有微調裝置,
此設計既適合觀景亦適宜天文觀測. 所有高橋的金屬鑄件皆在其日本工場進行.
While better known in the world for their amateur and small observatory instruments, Takahashi supplies complete systems for the professional community including the construction of public observatories such as the Goma Observatory. Takahashi is currently building a 1.5-meter telescope for a public observatory in Japan. Many professional instruments throughout the world use Takahashi's legendary focusers.
Takahashi also supplies a complete line of both .965" and 1.25" barrel oculars as well as the incomparable LE-50 2" barrel eyepiece. They produce a wide range of innovative products for amateurs and professionals including their super-smooth camera angle adjusters and various adapters for 35mm, medium format, 4X5" film photography and CCD-imaging. As new technologies become available, Takahashi will continue to provide optical and mechanical excellence with innovation and superior design.
高橋除供應全套系統給專業機構以外, 亦提供天文台規劃, 如 Goma天文台. 高橋現正為日本一所公立天文台建造1.5米級的望遠鏡. 全球許多專業儀器都使用高橋生產的對焦座.
高橋生產全系列的.965"及1.25"目鏡, 包括無可比擬的2" LE-50目鏡. 她亦生產極負盛名的超暢順相機角度調節器, 35mm, 中底格式, 4x5"負片攝影及CCD攝像用的轉接環. 配合新科技的面世, 高橋在光學及機械領域, 必 臻完美設計境界!
- We serve Hong Kong, China & Macau only (Taiwan excluded)
我們的服務範圍包括香港、中國及澳門 (不包括台灣)
The specification is unchanged. Auto-guiding connector will be changed to standard one.
FSQ-130ED 已停產

** 2015新登場 ** FSQ-130ED 再創攝影折射鏡典範
存貨: Stock availabllity: Please Ask
- 次世代頂級五群五枚Q(quintuplet)光學設計
- 110mm特大成像圈
- 全新強化調焦器
- 540mm(長)小巧鏡筒
- 0.7× Reducer(FSQ-130ED)[KA38580]使用時: f=455mm f/3.5 (成像圈φ70mm)
- 規 格
- Optical System: 130mm 5群5枚 flat field Super apochromat; Aperture: 130mm;
Focal Length: 650mm; Focal Ratio: F/5.0
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
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FSQ-106EDX4 「攝影版」 The ultimate astrograph FSQ-106EDX4 登峰造極之攝星儀

FSQ-106EDX4 「攝影版」 The ultimate astrograph 登峰造極之天體照相儀
存貨: Stock availabllity: pre order
The FSQ-106ED is a state-of-the-art fluorite refractor that sets a new standard for innovation and color correction. It is excellent as a astrograph, not exhibiting inherent problems with field curvature and astigmatism. Takahashi's modified Petzval design employs two widely separated rear elements to correct field curvature and astigmatism to produce a flat field, high contrast image without any hint of lateral color. This design produces an amazing 88mm image circle that will fully illuminate a 35, 645, or 6x7 medium format camera and vacuum back roll film holders.
The 4" apo refractor, has a built-in camera angle adjuster that permits 360° rotation of the camera, making the FSQ-106ED the perfect astrograph. In fact, this outstanding instrument can be used with a 4x5 vacuum back camera! The exceptionally large image circle will permit the use of any CCD camera. The double fluorite design which forms an image free of any secondary color will produce exceptionally sharp, high contrast views of deep sky objects or total eclipses.
FSQ-106ED System Chart (click to enlarge)
FSQ-106EDX4 System Chart (click)
- 規 格
- Optical System: 106mm Petzval quadruplet; Aperture: 106mm;
Focal Length: 530mm - 850 w/Extender-Q; Focal Ratio: F/5.0 - F/8.0 w/Extender-Q
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FSQ-85EDX: Baby-Q

FSQ-85EDX: Baby-Q
存貨: Stock availabllity: no stock
攝星專用設計,成像圈44mm, 全片幅單反無暗角
改良Petzval四枚式雙ED 物鏡,
另加0.73x縮焦器,328mm f/3.9 7°視場及40mm成像圈
FSQ-85EDX System Chart (click to enlarge)
- 規 格
- Optical System: 4群4枚 改良型Petzval; Aperture: 85mm;
Focal Length: 450mm; Focal Ratio: F/5.3
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FS-60CB : Small cutest baby FS-60CB: 嬌俏小子

FS-60CB : Small cutest baby FS-60CB: 嬌俏小子
You're most welcome to take it home!
存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity, please check
Special Offer:
Takahashi has just introduced the latest addition to its FS Series fluorite apochromatic refractors. As with all other FS refractors the FS-60CB has its hard multi-coated fluorite objective up front with a low dispersion hard multicoated rear element.
This compact short focus [f/5.9 - 355mm] apo refractor is the perfect eclipse telescope and with its triplet reducer [f/4.4 - 264mm] is a great little astro camera or spotting scope.
The FS-60CB is supplied with the revolutionary "palm sized" equatorial mount "The Teegul Sky Patrol." This small, very portable sidreal rate mount will fit in a camera bag and can be attached to a camera tripod.
This smallest most portable mount can be taken around the world for solar eclipse or expeditions to remote areas.
- 規 格
- Optical System: 60mm Fluorite doublet; Aperture: 60mm;
Focal Length: 355mm/264mm w/reducer; Focal Ratio: F/5.9 - F/4.4 w/reducer
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存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
FS-60Q comes with a built-in Extender CQ 1.7x, it can be converted to f/4.3
with optional 0.72x reducer by removal of the Ext-Q 1.7x
or optional flattener for flat & wide field work a f/6.2.
Takahashi1.7x CQ module is sold separately for the users of FS-60C, CSVs and CBs which converts them into the FS-60Q with all of the benefits the module enables.
- 規 格
- Optical System: Fluorite Quad Refractor; Aperture: 60mm;
Focal Length: 600mm; Focal Ratio: F/10
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
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經典銘鏡 最新改良版 FC-76DS

存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
FC-76DS源於1980年代之經典銘鏡FC-76, 針對CCD/CMOS數碼相機之改良版, 新版保留二枚玉設計, 配合最新環保玻璃技術之前組鏡片及多層鍍膜蛍石後組鏡片, 光學品質再改進。
DS version: 2.6" focuser for imaging with CCD cameras and DSLRs, retractable dew shield
DC version: non retractable dew shield, 1.8kg, tube length 650mm
- 規 格
- Optical System: 二枚玉: 前玉 - 現代ECO玻璃, 後玉 - 多層鍍膜蛍石; Aperture: 76mm;
Focal Length: 570mm; Focal Ratio: F/7.5
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
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經典銘鏡 最新改良版 FC-100DC

FC-100DC/ DL special edition/ DF
存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
FC-100DC源於1980年代之經典銘鏡FC-100, 針對CCD/CMOS數碼相機之改良版, 新版保留二枚玉設計, 配合最新環保玻璃技術之前組鏡片及多層鍍膜蛍石後組鏡片, 光學品質再改進。
System Chart of FC-100DC(Click to open)
- 規 格
- Optical System: 二枚玉: 前玉 - 現代ECO玻璃, 後玉 - 多層鍍膜蛍石; Aperture: 100mm;
Focal Length: 740mm; Focal Ratio: F/7.4 | DL f.l.900mm
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TOA-130 Type S / Type FB
存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
System Chart of TOA-130: Click to enlarge - Type S / Type FB
- 規 格
- Optical System: Triplet三合透鏡; Aperture: 130mm;
Focal Length: 1000mm; Focal Ratio: F/7.7
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
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存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
- 規 格
- Optical System: Triplet三合透鏡; Aperture: 150mm;
Focal Length: 1100mm; Focal Ratio: F/7.3
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
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存貨: 停產 Discontinued
- 規 格
- Optical System: Triplet Super Apo; Aperture: 102mm;
Focal Length: 816mm; Focal Ratio: F/8
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
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存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
- 規 格
- Optical System: Triplet Super Apo; Aperture: 120mm;
Focal Length: 900mm; Focal Ratio: F/7.5
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
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ε-130D / ε-160ED/ ε-180ED 雙曲面主鏡 反射式天體照相儀

ε-130D / ε-160ED / ε-180ED 雙曲面主鏡 反射式天體照相儀
存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask | ε-130D 特價 HK$6800起
Hyperbolic Flat-Field Astrograph design
Picks up faint details and nebulosity missed by slower instruments
Amazingly fast effective focal ratio of f/2.8 (ε-180ED) and f/3.3(ε-130ED)
Catadioptric extra low dispersion optics
Supports photographic formats as 24x36 (35mm), 6x6, 6x9 and CCD imagers
Appreciably shorter exposure times reduce tracking error
- 規 格
- Optical System: Hyperbolical Newton; Aperture: 130mm(ε-130ED) / 180mm(ε-180ED);
Focal Length: 430mm(ε-130ED) / 500mm(ε-180ED); Focal Ratio: F/3.3(ε-130ED) / F/2.8(ε-180ED)
詳細規格 Detail Specifications (ε-180ED) - 價格
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Corrected Cassigrain Astrograph: CCA-250

Corrected Cassigrain Astrograph: CCA-250
存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
- 規 格
- Optical System: Modified Cassegrain; Aperture: 250mm;
Focal Length: 1250mm; Focal Ratio: F/5
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
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Mewlon μ-180/210/250/300

The Mewlon series μ-210
存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
The Mewlon μ-210 of Dall-Kirkham Telescope by Takahashi© combines refractor-like performance in a larger folded optic reflector design.
- 規 格
- Effective aperture: 210mm
Focal length (prime focus): 2415mm/1961mm w/reducer
Focal ratio (prime focus): F/11.5-F/9.3 w/reducer
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
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Mewlon-250CRS/300CRS 次世代反射式望遠鏡

Mewlon-250CRS/300CRS 次世代反射式望遠鏡
存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
次世代反射式望遠鏡 - 內建Mewlon Correctors, 副鏡自動對焦技術(Active Focus), 三風扇智能冷卻主鏡系統
The Mewlon CRS Series of Dall-Kirkham Telescopes by Takahashi© combines refractor-like performance in a larger folded optic reflector design.
- 規 格
- Effective aperture: 250mm | 300mm
Focal length (prime focus): 2500mm/1825mm w/reducer | 2960mm/2160mm w/reducer
Focal ratio (prime focus): F/10-F/7.3 w/reducer | F/9.9-F/7.2 w/reducer
Mewlon-250CRS 詳細規格 Detail Specifications
Mewlon-300CRS 詳細規格 Detail Specifications
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C-400 Classical Cassegrain Telescope

C-400 Classical Cassegrain Telescope
The C-400 16" f/14 Classical Cassegrain is part of Takahashi's Observatory Series telescopes designed primarily for research and educational institutions. This telescope comes standard with a removable f/10.4 focal reducer where a wider field of view is required. Because the C-400 employs the Classical Cassegrainian configuration with a parabolic primary mirror and hyperbolic secondary, extremely high resolution can be obtained without sacrificing contrast or a flat field. Secondary obstruction is only 29% with this instrument as compared to 40% or greater with typical Ritchey-Chretien Cassegrains. As with the FCT-200 and FCT-250 Observatory fluorite refractors, this instrument is designed for rigorous research applications and is constructed with meticulous craftsmanship throughout. The optical tube assembly weighs 165lbs. so a heavy-duty, permanent equatorial mount with high-precision Go-To slewing such as Takahashi's Temma EM-2500 or EM-3500 (illustrated) is recommended for most applications. Since this is a custom made telescope, each instrument is made to order and delivery times may vary.
- 規 格
Optical design Cassegrain Focal length 5600mm Focal ratio F/14 Effective aperture 400mm Resolution 0.29" Visual limiting magnitude 14.8 Light grasp 3265x - 價格
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EM-11 Temma-3

EM-11 Temma-3 GOTO赤道儀
存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please ask
可接電腦, 手機或平板電腦連線/無線操控, 全GOTO功能, USB/RS-232接口, 支援PC或Mac
裝罝SkySafari6, 有Wifi功能
Weight capacity up to 8.5kg
High speed drive 250X @DC12V, 350X @DC24V
Operation temperature -5 to +30º Celesius
- 規 格
- Type: German Equatorial Mount; R.A. & DEC. Slow-Motion: Motor driven
Maximal / Optimal Loading Capacity: 8.5 kg / 6kg (without counterweight)
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
- Ask
EM-200 Temma-3

EM-200 Temma-3
存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
High precision design and construction
Weight capacity up to 16kg
Fully GoTo functional when controlled with PC
RA and DEC stepper motors are fully integrated into the mounting
Provides cyclic errors lower than +/- 5 arc seconds
High speed slewing at 700x [sidereal rate] at 12v
12V and 24V operation
- 規 格
- Type: German Equatorial Mount; R.A. & DEC. Slow-Motion: Motor driven
Maximal / Optimal Loading Capacity: 18 kg / 15kg (without counterweight)
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
- EM-200 Temma 2M mount head w/controller, power cable $31800
EM-400 Temma-3

EM-400 Temma-3
存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
Weight capacity up to 35kg
All cables attach to the underside of the Dec. housing
8kg. counterweights with two lock screws
Temma II system compatible with The Sky and other popular software
Can be used anywhere in the world with a latitude adjustment from 0º to 50º
Operate on either 12 volts (500X sidereal) or 24 volts (500X sidereal)
- 規 格
- Type: German Equatorial Mount; R.A. & DEC. Slow-Motion: Motor driven
Maximal / Optimal Loading Capacity: 35 kg / 20kg (without counterweight)
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
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PM-SP 新世代輕便攝影赤道儀 ** 新登場 **

PM-SP 新世代輕便攝影赤道儀
存貨: 已停產 Discontinued

- 規 格
- Weight: 1.8kg, Loading Capacity: 4-6 kg
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
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GT-40 導星鏡

GT-40 導星鏡
存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
- 規 格
- (insert table here)
- 價格
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Eyepieces - LE and UW

存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
Takahashi Eyepieces
Abbe Series
Light and affordable series
Abbe 6mm / Abbe 9mm / Abbe 12.5mm / Abbe 18mm / Abbe 25mm / Abbe 32mm
LE (Long Eye Relief) Series
Hi-LE2.8mm / Hi-LE3.6mm
LE 5mm / LE 7.5mm/ LE 10mm / LE 12.5mm / LE 18mm / LE 24mm / LE 30mm / LE 50mm
UW (Flat Field) Series
90° apparent field, no coma and spherical aberration, 12mm eye relief, extendable eyecup, plastic box
TAK-3.3UW / TAK-5.7UW / TAK-7UW / TAK-10UW
- 規 格
- 詳細規格 Detail Specifications
- 價格
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存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
A: Takahashi .73X Reducer QE FSQ-85/106 TKA36595
$3380 special price
B: Takahashi Reducer/Flattener for Sky 90
F/4.5 Reducer
C: Takahashi Extender QE - 1.6X 2" Extender & Field Flattener
D: Takahashi Extender-Q - 1.6X
CA-35: for FS-60
CA-35: for FS-102/128/152/FSQ-106/85
CA-35: for Sky 90
CA-35: for TSA-102/TOA
尚有大量各式附件, 項目繁多未能盡錄, 煩請致電查詢.
- 價格
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Accessory Plate
存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
TGM Plate(M-type)
180 x 350mm
- 規 格
- (insert table here)
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Tripod/Pier stand
Tripod/Pier stand/Tripod adaptor
存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
Metal and Wood tripod for different models of Takahashi Equatorial Mounts
Aluminum disc connecting Takahashi EM11 mount and Gitzo series 3/4/5 tripod
$400 up
- 價格
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