品牌分類 by BRANDS
- 美德 Meade
- 高橋 Takahashi
- 景德 William Optics
- Software Bisque
- 蔡司 Carl Zeiss
- 尼康 Nikon
- Thousand Oaks
- 巨眼 Grand Eye
- 其他 Others
儀器分類 by CATEGORY
- 雙筒望遠鏡 Binoculars
- 折射式望遠鏡 Refracting telescope
- 反射式及折反射式望遠鏡 Reflecting & Catadioptric telescope
- 赤道儀 / 經緯儀 Equatorial mount/ Altazimuth mount
- 太陽觀測 Solar observing
- 附件
- 目鏡 Eyepiece
- 雙目裝置 Binoviewer
- 調焦座 Focuser
- 轉接環 Adapter
- 雷射筆 Laser pointer
- 太陽濾光片 Solar filter & viewer
- 儀器保護箱 Carry case
- 三腳架 Tripod
- 其他 Others
To all schools in Hong Kong:

凡購買天文儀器滿港幣8000 元或Meade 套裝 天文望遠鏡,可免費獲得一次由天文匯派員到貴校提供儀器使用課程。
詳情可電郵 本公司 或致電 96383899查詢
All purchases exceed HKD8000 amount, your school will be granted a free seminar on telescope operation, care and maintenance.
For details, please contact our company or phone 96383899
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Meade NG-70-SM & Terrastar 90 - 7/9cm 入門級觀星鏡

Meade NG70-SM refractor Good for beginners
Altazimuth mount with slow-motion control, no electronic required
仰角/ 地平手動微調 , 適宜月球,行星觀測
2 eyepieces: 25mm (28x) & 9mm (77x) 1.25"
Red Dot finder
Tripod included 含三腳架
Tripod's accessory tray accepts eyepieces
90° mirror diagonal
Includes instructional DVD
Price $
no stock 無現貨
Meade 9cm 折射鏡 Infinity 90 Good for beginners
Heavy duty altazimuth mount w/slow motion control, no electronic required, red dot finder, 2 eyepieces 36x,100x
AutoStar Suite. Astronomer Edition Software on DVD
AutoStar Suite Astronomer Edition software will help you learn the night sky. It displays more than 10,000 celestial objects including
planets, stars, galaxies and nebulas. You can print out star charts and even plan your observing sessions.
仰角/ 地平手動微調 , 適宜月球,行星及星雲星團觀測
紅點瞄準器 ,36x及100x目鏡,90度天頂鏡 ,穩固三腳架
附送: Astronomer軟体 DVD, 包含100,000天体及使用說明
In stock 現貨
- 規 格
- NG70-SM - Aperture: 70mm; Focal length and focal ratio: 700mm, f/10
90AZ-ADR - Aperture: 90mm; Focal length and focal ratio: 900mm, f/10
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
ETX-80 / ETX-90 Observatory Package: 可能是全球功能最強的超輕便望遠鏡

ETX-80ATBB,stock available 有現貨
ETX-90 no stock 訂貨中
ETX-90 Observatory package: 可能是全球功能最強的超輕便望遠鏡
Perhaps its the most portable & versatile telescope on earth
當 ETX ® 於 1996 年推出時, 已蹄造業餘天文學的革命, 其漂亮、輕便及多功能的設計及前所未有的光學質素, 導致 ETX 很快便成為全球最高銷售望遠鏡. 目前已售出超過 60 萬台.
折射式光學設計(ETX-80) / 馬克蘇托夫-卡塞格林式光學設計(ETX-90)
义式座架配備電子雙軸高扭力直流馬達驅動, 可用插線式原裝手柄控制
經緯式 (地平) 或赤道式操作
野外操作 - 6 枚 AA 電池, 一般可使用 40 小時
包括 4000 系列 Super Plossl 26mm 目鏡, Autostar, Field Tripod
ETX-90流動天文台 標準配備
包括 4000 系列 Super Plossl 26mm 目鏡, 48x 含 Red dot finder 紅點瞄準器, Autostar, deluxe field tripod, tripod case, deluxe hard case
超過 20 種目鏡, 如 HD-60系列, 5000系列 Super Plossl (SP); Super Wide Angle (SWA); Ultra Wide Angle (UWA), 倍率從 31x~250x, 適合觀測各類天體如月球、行星、深空天體等, , 配以 #932/#933 45° 正像稜鏡, 適合觀景賞鳥. 配以 #64 T-接環, 可作直焦拍攝用途, #126 2x 增焦鏡可將倍率乘二, 如有三個目鏡, 等於有 6 個不同倍率組合.
- 規 格
- ETX 80 - Aperture: 80mm; Focal Ratio: f/5; Focal Length: 400mm
ETX 90 流動天文台- Aperture: 90mm; Focal Ratio: f/13.8; Focal Length: 1250mm
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
- ETX-80連497 Audiostar手控, 505電腦線, 可接電腦控制 現貨
ETX-90 portable observatory include Autostar, deluxe field tripod, tripod case, deluxe hard case, eyepiece 流動天文台
StarNavigator 102 & 130 with GOTO 入門級大口徑觀星鏡

有現貨 Stock available
102mm 折射式光學設計(StarNavigator 102) / 130mm 反射式光學設計(StarNavigator 130)
Excellent for beginners. 入門大口徑之選
包括 25mm 目鏡, 紅點尋星器, AudioStar Computer Controller, Mount, Tripod
- 規 格
- StarNavigator 102 - Aperture: 102mm; Focal Ratio: f/7.7; Focal Length: 800mm
StarNavigator 130- Aperture: 130mm; Focal Ratio: f/7.7; Focal Length: 1000mm
詳細規格 Detail Specifications
StarNavigator 102 / StarNavigator 130 - 價格
ETX-LS-SC/ACF GPS Built-in imager 內置CCD攝像頭電腦望遠鏡

有現貨 Stock available: LS6-SC
ETX-LS6 / LS8 - ACF Telescope with LightSwitch Technology & Built-in Eclips CCD Imager內置CCD攝像頭!
* The Meade ETX-LS features patented LightSwitch(TM) Technology for complete, stress-free user alignment.
* Superb quality Advanced Coma-Free (ACF) Optics for a professional level instrument at an affordable price.
* The Meade ETX-LS Astronomer-Inside(TM) provides a full audio/visual lesson guide to enhance your experience.
* Engineered with a built-in Integrated Sensor Module (ISM) which includes GPS and Level North Technology (LNT(TM)) sensors.
* The Meade ETX-LS includes the built-in ECLIPS^(TM) CCD Camera, able to capture and display images right at the scope - or store for later use!
* Autostar III with 100,000 objects database
- 規 格
- Clear Aperture: 6" (152mm)/8" (203.2mm)
Focal Length, Focal Ratio: 1524mm, f/10/2000mm, f/10
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
LX90GPS-ACF/UHTC 全功能電腦控制 教學級天文望遠鏡

MEADE 8"/ 10"/ 12"LX90GPS-ACF/UHTC 全功能電腦控制 教學級天文望遠鏡
- Available in apertures of 8 inches, 10 inches, and 12 inches
8" LX90-ACF 特點
1. 口徑達 8", 集光力為 5" 的 2.5 倍
2. 電腦找尋 30,223 個天体, 最高巡天速度每秒 6.5 度
3. 超高透光鍍膜 UHTC 比一般鍍膜高 21% (可見光 450-700nm)
4. 可使用電腦控制
5. 最新 Audiostar 資料可於網上更新
6. 配合赤道式斜批 (equatorial wedge) 可作長時間追蹤攝影
7. 附加 APM 可接駁 CCD 作偏軸式追蹤導星 (off-axis guiding)
8. 價格相宜 (在香港購買, 自取價)
9. 一年有限度保養
8" LX90GPS-ACF 已獲以下機構使用:
-Maryknoll Convent School
-Duxal Group Ltd.
-JMO Group
LX200GPS Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope 史密特-卡塞格林(折反射式)望遠鏡

LX-200 - 8" / 10" / 12" / 14" / 16"
LX200 S-C telscope standard accessories: Autostar 2, GPS, 8x50 finder, zero-shift image focuser, SP26mm eyepiece, giant field tripod
LX200 折反射式望遠鏡標準裝備:Autostar 2, GPS, 8x50 尋星鏡, 零影像偏移對焦座, SP26mm目鏡, 巨型三腳架
Audiostar 2 - Default with over 125,000 celestial objects data base
Audiostar 2 - 資料庫擁有超過 125,000 個預設天體
- 規 格
- Clear Aperture: 203mm (8")/254mm (10")/305mm (12")/356mm(14")/406.4mm (16")
Focal Length & Focal Ratio: 2000mm f/10(8")/2500mm f/10 (10")/
3048mm f/10 (12")/3556mm f/10 (14")/4064mm f/10 (16")
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
LX600 先進f/8 ACF 折反射式望遠鏡附StarLock™

LX-600 - 10" / 12" / 14" / 16" Advanced Coma Free
Fast f/8 Advanced Coma-Free (ACF) optical systems with zero image-shift and a two-speed microfocuser.
StarLock - unique star tracking and object finding system
Solid Fork Mount With Heavy Duty 5.75" Gears
Giant Field Tripod— adjustable from 34" to 54"
Autostar II - Default with over 144,000 celestial objects data base; 資料庫擁有超過 144,000 個預設天體
LX600 f/8 ACF telscope standard accessories: Autostar 2, 8x50 finder, 7:1 internal crayford zero-shift image focuser , SP26mm eyepiece, giant field tripod
LX600 先進f/8 ACF 折反射式望遠鏡標準裝備:Autostar 2, 8x50 尋星鏡, 7:1 internal crayford零影像偏移對焦座對焦座, SP26mm目鏡, 巨型三腳架
- 規 格
- Clear Aperture: 254mm (10")/305mm (12")/356mm(14")/406.4mm (16")
Focal Length & Focal Ratio: 2032mm f/8 (10")/
2438mm f/8 (12")/2845mm f/8 (14")/3251mm f/8 (16")
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
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LX850 - Ultimate Imaging Platform with StarLock™

LX-850 - 10" / 12" / 14" / 16" Advanced Coma Free and 130mm ED APO
Fast f/8 Advanced Coma-Free (ACF) optical systems on the 10", 12" and 14" OTAs
130mm 3-element, air-spaced apochromatic f/7 refractor with 3" Crayford-style 10:1 focuser
StarLock full-time automatic integrated guider provides computer-assisted drift alignment
Extremely solid German Equatorial Mount made from machined aluminum and stainless steel
Internal cabling to prevent snags and tangles
Precision machined 5.8" main gears with 225 teeth in both R.A. and DEC
1.75" diameter threaded stainless steel counterweight shaft
Sophisticated built-in computer for the most accurate control
AutoStar II hand control with over 144,000 object database
Ultra-stable adjustable height tripod
LX850 standard accessories: Autostar 2, 8x50 viewfinder, Series 5000 2" enhanced 99% reflective diagonal, a 25mm HD-60 premium eyepiece and anti-vibration pads, giant field tripod
- 規 格
- Clear Aperture: 254mm (10")/305mm (12")/356mm(14")/130mm (130ED APO)
Focal Length & Focal Ratio: 2032mm f/8 (10")/
2438mm f/8 (12")/2845mm f/8 (14")/3251mm f/8 (16")/910mm f/7 (130ED APO)
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
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LightBridge Truss Tube Dobsonian Telescope 10" & 12" & 16"

訂貨 pre order
LightBridge: Large aperture, superb optics, smooth mechanism
# Meade Optical Coatings Aluminum Coatings with magnesium fluoride over coat
# 2" Crayford-Style Machined Aluminum Focuser With 1.25" Adapter
# Built-In Primary Mirror Cooling Fan
# Steel RA Roller Bearings (deluxe model only)
# Red Dot Finder (standard model only)
# Advanced Four-Reticle Red Dot Viewfinder (deluxe model only)
# 26mm Series 4000 Super Plossl Eyepiece (Standard Model)
# 26mm QX Wide Angle 2" Eyepiece (deluxe model only)
- 規 格
- Clear Aperture: 254mm (10")/304.8mm (12")/406.4mm (16")
Focal Length, Focal Ratio: 1270mm f/5 (10")/1524mm f/5 (12")/1829mm f/4.5 (16")
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
- 10" F/5 DELUXE $5,500
12" F/5 DELUXE $7,800
16" F/4.5 DELUXE $15,600
114EQ-AR: 4.5" Newtonian Reflactor with Equatorial Mount

4.5" Newtonian Reflactor with Equatorial Mount
Explore craters on the Moon, the rings of Saturn, the cloud belts of Jupiter along with the four Galilean moons, as well as countless star clusters, double stars, nebulae and more. Includes AutoStar Suite PC compatible DVD astronomy software to chart the night sky and telescope instructional video.
Telescope focal length of 900mm, f/8. Features include a 1.25" rack-and-pinion focuser, sturdy metal equatorial mount with slow motion controls, setting circles, latitude control w/scale, two 1.25" eyepieces (MA9mm, MA25mm), an easy to use red dot viewfinder, and height adjustable full size aluminum tripod with accessory tray.
- 規 格
- Optical Diameter: 114mm; Focal Length, Focal Ratio: 910mm, f/8
詳細規格 Detail Specifications - 價格
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太陽望遠鏡 (日珥鏡) Coronado H-alpha solar telescopes

Coronado H-alpha refractor telescopes are custom-built to optimize H-alpha performance. Don't miss the big event: Annular eclipse, transit of Venus
SolarMax 70 III/ 90 III and SolarMax 60 II 金色日珥鏡
日全環食,日環食, 金星淩日,金色日珥鏡是你不二之選
SolarMax 90 III : 800mm focal length, 90mm aperture, f/8.9
SolarMax 70 III : 400mm focal length, 70mm aperture, f5.7
SolarMax 60 II : 400mm focal length, 60mm aperture, f/6.6
* Coronado 25mm CEMAX Eyepiece, < 0.7A
* 日珥專用25mm目鏡,超高反差,< 0.7A
* Threaded, Protective Metal Cover For Primary Lens.
* 金 屬 露 罩
* Deluxe Hard Carrying Case.
* 精美硬箱
* Clamshell Mounting Rings w/1/4"-20 Thread Tripod Adapter.
* 抱箍含1/4吋三腳架接口
* Special multi-layer anti reflection coatings on all air-glass surfaces to optimize anti-ghosting.
* 多層防反射鍍膜
no stock
The Personal Solar Telescope (PST) is a Coronado innovation. The world's most popular telescope to observe the Sun. This 40mm diameter highly portable dedicated solar telescope features completly internal non-removable and student safe solar filtering optics with a 1.0 angstrom hydrogen-alpha (Ha) bandpass for great surface detail. The PST will show you the dynamic, ever changing prominences at the edge of the Sun as well as filaments and other surface details in amazing detail, all in the brilliant and distinctive red color of hydrogen-alpha light.
Photos and animation by PST
- 規 格
- 詳細規格 Detail Specifications
- 價格
美德 Meade LX80 德式赤道儀/經緯儀 EQ mount/Alt-az mount

LX80德式赤道儀 - 變身經緯儀 更可同時負載兩台望遠鏡
EQ mount & Alt-az mount - all in one * Stock available *
LX80 mount with either 6"SC/ 8"SC/ 10"SC/ 80mm ED/ 115mm ED
嶄新設計,載重18kg, Audiostar手控,GOTO功能,發聲功能,SmartDrive歲差修正,融合赤這儀及經緯儀於一身,大/小燕尾板,5kg錘, 性價比最高!
- 規 格
- www.meade.com/lx80/specifications/
- 價格
附件 Accessories - Series 5000 防水目鏡 waterproof eyepieces

訂貨 pre order
Series 5000 防水目鏡 waterproof eyepieces
•Premium grade optical glass
•Individually tuned, multi-layered coatings for maximum light transmission
•Lens edges and all internal metal surfaces are blackened to maximize image contrast
•Parfocal - little or no refocusing required when switching eyepieces
•Long eye relief
•Adjustable twist-up rubber eyeguards
5 Element Plössl Series 5000: Wide 60° apparent field-of-view
Ultra Wide Angle Series 5000: Ultra Wide 82° apparent field-of-view
- 規 格
- 詳細規格 Detail Specifications
- 價格
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附件 Accessories - HD-60 目鏡 eyepieces

部份有現貨 Some stock available
Series 5000 HD-60 60° Apparent Field of View Eyepieces with long eye relief
* 6-Element design
*60° apparent field of view
*flat field of view
*more than 17mm of eye relief
*1.25" barrel
- 規 格
- 詳細規格 Detail Specifications
- 價格
附件 Accessories - Series 4000 目鏡 Eyepieces

有現貨 Stock available
Designed and manufactured to exacting standards, Meade Series 4000 Super Plössl eyepieces deliver wide 52° apparent fields of view (44° for the SP40mm) with all of the resolution, edge-of-field sharpness and color correction demanded in the most advanced visual applications. All eyepieces are multi-coated and include soft rubber eyeguards.
Meade 4000 Super Plössl
6.4mm, 9.7mm, 12.4mm, 15mm $230 each (Limited offer)
32mm, 40mm $320/350 each (Limited offer)
- 價格
- 所有價格以電話/電郵查詢為準
附件 Accessories - 其他 Others

有現貨 Stock available
A: Meade color filter set #1 (4pcs)
B: Moon filter
C: Meade #126 2x barlow
D: Vibration Isolation Pads
$320 no stock
E: Meade f/6.3 focal reducer
F: Meade Audiostar Controller
Autostar #497 適用於 ETX-80, ETX-90, ETX-125 及 LX90 等望遠鏡, 它是目前最多功能的望遠鏡控制器之一. 只須輸入日期、時間及預先設定兩顆基準星 (alignment star), 按 GOTO 鍵, 你便可輕鬆地觀測多達 30,000 個天体. 它使用非常簡單, 就算初入門的觀測者在第一次亦很容易觀測到多個天体:土星環, 木衛, 獵戶座星雲, 亞米加星團等. 你亦可將 Autostar 與電腦連線, 透過 #505 連線套件及 Meade AstroFinder 軟體, 便可用滑鼠自如地操控望遠鏡, 不消十數秒, 望遠鏡立刻指向目標天體.
- 價格
- 所有價格以電話/電郵查詢為準