品牌分類 by BRANDS
- 美德 Meade
- 高橋 Takahashi
- 景德 William Optics
- Software Bisque
- 蔡司 Carl Zeiss
- 尼康 Nikon
- Thousand Oaks
- 巨眼 Grand Eye
- 其他 Others
儀器分類 by CATEGORY
- 雙筒望遠鏡 Binoculars
- 折射式望遠鏡 Refracting telescope
- 反射式及折反射式望遠鏡 Reflecting & Catadioptric telescope
- 赤道儀 / 經緯儀 Equatorial mount/ Altazimuth mount
- 太陽觀測 Solar observing
- 附件
- 目鏡 Eyepiece
- 雙目裝置 Binoviewer
- 調焦座 Focuser
- 轉接環 Adapter
- 雷射筆 Laser pointer
- 太陽濾光片 Solar filter & viewer
- 儀器保護箱 Carry case
- 三腳架 Tripod
- 其他 Others
To all schools in Hong Kong:

凡購買天文儀器滿港幣8000 元或Meade 套裝 天文望遠鏡,可免費獲得一次由天文匯派員到貴校提供儀器使用課程。
詳情可電郵 本公司 或致電 96383899查詢
All purchases exceed HKD8000 amount, your school will be granted a free seminar on telescope operation, care and maintenance.
For details, please contact our company or phone 96383899
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宮內光學 Miyauchi 8x42ED binoculars 雙筒望遠鏡

現貨 Limited offer while stock last
Miyauchi is one of the major manufacturer of binoculars, sizes from 4cm to 14cm.
Great binoculars that Miyauchi made: 7x50w, BS-60iA, BS-77iB, Bj100, BR141
Besides, she also produce small binoculars such as 8x42, this binoculars apply ED lens. Model number EXLD-42, with Extra low dispersion glass, the lens material is different from other flourite models.
Summary of large Miyauchi binoculars
這台EXLD-42採用超低色散物鏡,完全消除色差。其稜鏡的64層鍍膜, 使反光率高達99.9%。屋脊稜鏡的對準精度達3秒,得出高反差及 高解析度的影像,鎂鋁合金鏡身,輕巧紥實。

Roof prism (angled surface): 64 layers C-coating
Performance: High definition, extremely bright, no false color
Rarity: Only around 600 pieces were made
Country of origin: Japan
Dimensions: 144x111x49mm (at eye width of 65mm)
Weight: 720g exclude all covers

- 規 格
- 詳細規格
- 價格
- Manufacturer suggested retail price: JPY98,000.約HKD7150/RMB5863
Rock Bottom Price:
8x42EXLD HK$2,980 / RMB2,638 (原價$3,880)
10x42EXLD Sold out
AstroTrac TT320X AG Tracking Mount - AutoGuiding (Made in UK 英國制造)

We proudly present the sophisticated auto guide mount, 1kg weight, high loading capacity and tracking accuracy at reasonable price. CNC made by high grade aluminum alloy in the United Kingdom
Light weight, ultraportable, grab and go with you backpack
TT320X-AG Unguided tracking error ~5 arc seconds peak-to-peak or better over a 5 minute period, 400mm focal length OK!
全新BB緯軸套装,連Berlebach Castor Head 3/8" 可直駁TT-320本體,Vixen制式鳩尾槽,Takahashi制式 2xM6鏍絲35mm洞距,平衡錘2個,錘桿 德國製造 現貨

TH3010 Dec axis counterweight set

TH3010套裝: TH3010頭+ 重錘2個 (0.7及1.3kg) + 重錘桿 (停產)
up to 15kg loading possible 可負載15公斤
- 規 格
- 價格
- 港幣HK$4600 w/polarscope, power cable, guiding cable
含極軸鏡,12V電源線,導星線 (另加EMS運費人民幣150元到全中國各省)
TH3010 Dec weights set
MicroTech TG2 精密油壓微動經緯儀

TG2精密油壓微動經緯儀載台,載重8-10kg ,雙軸全周360度微動,零盲點設計,鋁合金製造,連T-S 鳩尾槽
有現貨 Stock available
- 經緯儀可上下左右油壓式微調操作,可精密微動方位
- 可調整旋臂角度,垂直天頂也看得到
- 工業級精密齒盤蝸桿模組化設計,赤道儀等級精密製程,承載更強悍穩定
- 全機鋁合金製造,高鋼性重量輕,攜帶方便
- 本機腳架採用兩段式輕量鋁合金三腳架,包覆式設計,鋁擠一體成型,穩定性為日製天文器材最高等級
- 連T-S 鳩尾槽
下方 可接高橋EM10/ 11/ 200, TG-SP, P2Z, Space Boy 赤道儀
上方可銜接任何Vixen形式的 鳩尾板, 鏡筒超快裝拆, 無往不利
- 規 格
- 載重達12公斤
本體高(懸臂向上銜接點) 95~129cm
收納尺寸(懸臂向下) 80x28x20cm
總重量6.2公斤 - 價格
- Ask
映美精天文CCD Imaging Source CCD

映美精天文CCD DBK 41AU02.AS - Sony CCD芯片ICX204AL
不帶紅外濾光片的單色USB相機 |
1/2" CCD, 逐行掃描 |
解析度 1280x960 |
Max. 30 fps
最長曝光時間 60 min |
C/CS 戴片 |
USB 或 Firewire |
解析度1280 x 960像素, 每秒15幀未壓縮圖像, 附送的 IC Capture.AS軟件
Sony彩色 CCD ICX205AK, 1280 x 960
不附帶紅外濾光片, 用戶可根據自己的需要選擇濾光片
附送Windows軟體IC WDM DCAM TIS及控制軟件IC Capture.AS。
- 規 格
- 價格
QHY 5LII COLOR CAMERA - Best imaging device for moon and planet 拍攝月球及行星最佳

有現貨 Stock available
QHY5-II specification 規格USB/autoguide cable | 30fps | 1280*960 | 1.25" nosepiece, extension tube | real time capture|
- 規 格
- QHY 5L II color series
- 價格
- $1390 special price
Digital camera adapter 數位相機接駁架

有現貨 Stock available
Digital camera adapter for clamping the eyepiece, afocal photography
數位相機接駁架 箍目鏡作 afocal 攝影
- 價格
- $150
GSO MICROTECH RC8 純正碳纖RC望遠鏡 The Best Optics System for Astrophotography

最優質 及 最簾價純正碳纖RC望遠鏡 尖端科技,台灣製造
存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
無彗形像差的純RC光學系統~MICROTECH RC8 可藉由DSLR或大尺寸CCD進行天文攝影,但RC8價格卻比大部分35mm全片幅DSLR還便宜。RC-8特別採用最高品質、極高反射的介電質鍍膜(有些$10,000美金以上的RC鏡也沒用到此鍍膜)、主/次鏡採用最優的低熱膨脹係數石英玻璃而非一般光學玻璃,輔以高強度/低熱膨脹係數碳纖鏡筒。
精密設計的RC8提供天文攝影者35mm全片幅CCD廣視野無彗差低場曲影像,這是傳統施卡鏡(Schmidt- assegrains)所做不到的。同樣地,純粹的兩片反射鏡系統,RC8完全沒有色差,即使是大多數昂貴的APO折射鏡也難以匹敵,更何況是8吋口徑的集光力勝過大多數的APO折射鏡。
MICROTECH RC8 提供最優惠的價格,帶您進入深空星野的世界。
光學設計: 純正Ritchey-Chre'tien 雙曲面主/次鏡。
鏡筒上下方均建有Vixen type鳩尾板。
- 規 格
- Aperture 200mm, f/9, f.l. 1800mm
- 價格
- Ask
三腳架 套裝

三腳架 有現貨 Stock available
Benro A550FKB0 鎂鋁合金腳架
承重6kg,重1.7kg, 4折

Beike 306 鎂鋁合金腳架 - 輕便易用, 雙筒良伴,有利長時觀測, 避免肌肉勞損
承重4kg,重1.06kg, 4折, 縮短480mm
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QZSD-666 鎂鋁合金腳架
承重5kg,重1.3kg, 5折, 反摺, 縮短360mm
Manfrotto 190XDB腳架 (made in Italy) $890
Weight 1.6kg, Loading 5kg, Length 53.5cm, Highest 146cm

Vixen SXG-S71腳架
Weight :1.8kg | Length: 430 to 710 mm | Height: 425-680 mm
Loading 30kg, weight 0.7kg, height 11cm
- 價格
- Benro B3 $930 SPECIAL
Lens 2 Scope 鏡頭目視轉接器

有現貨 Stock available
Lens 2 Scope為內建目鏡之鏡頭目視轉接器, 可讓閣下更充分利用長焦鏡頭之優勢, 轉接作望遠鏡使用, 大大減輕額外攜帶目視望遠鏡之重量
支援EF mount / F mount / A mount之鏡頭
Eyepiece Focal length: 10mm
Maximum aperture: f/2 on axis; Minimum f/4 through field of View
Lens construction: 5 elements in 3 groups
Prism system: Roof Prism
Apparent field of view: 42°
Maximum exit pupil: 2.5mm
Eye relief: 20mm with foldable eyecup for glass wear observation.
Spotting scope magnification ratio: 1/10X the focal length of the lens mounted
Loupe magnification ratio: 25X when the lens mounted has 1:1 macro ratio
Length 180 x Width 80 x Height 90 mm(Straight)
Length 18 x Width 8 x Height 11cm(Angled)
Weight: Approx. 185g
Tripod mount: Detachable tripod mount for light weight lens only
- 價格
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Pentax XW & XO Eyepiece Series 頂級天文目鏡 - The Best Eyepieces on Earth

存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
With high eye relief of 20mm and different focal length, all Pentax XW eyepieces offer a 70° field of view for easier viewing. It was built with JIS Class 4 weather-proof construction, these eyepieces feature high-refraction, low-dispersion lanthanum glass elements and PENTAX-original multi-layer coating for bright, high-resolution images with minimal aberrations and distortions.
Pentax XW 頂級天文目鏡特式:
-550nm透光率96%,可見光波段平均透光率90% 明亮度世界第一
-JIS 4類防水級別
8 selection of focal length, each comes with a dust-proof plastic container
共有8款不同焦距可供選擇, 每個目鏡付送精美防塵膠筒
存貨: 請查詢 Stock availabllity: Please Ask
The PENTAX high-performance XO 2.5 eyepiece offers a focal length of 2.58mm and is perfect for planetary observations. It features JIS Class 4 weather proof construction for durability, PENTAX-original smc lens coating to improve light transmission, and low-dispersion glass elements to provide high-resolution images.
- 規 格
Pentax XWシリーズ eyepiece Focal Length (in mm) 3.5 5 7 10 14 20 30 40 Field Stop Diameter (in mm) 4.3 6.2 8.8 12.4 17.6 24 36.2 46.5 Field of View 70º Eye Relief (in mm) 20 Number of Elements 8 7 6 7 6 Weight (in oz) 14.3 14 13.8 13.8 12.9 12.6 26.1 24.7 Barrel Size 1.25" 2" Dimensions 5.4"x2.4" 4.7"x2.4" 4.3"x2.4" 3.8"x2.4" 3.4"x2.4" 4.8"x3.0" 4.6"x3.0"
Pentax XOシリーズ eyepiece Focal Length (in mm) 5 2.5 Field Stop Diameter (in mm) 3.9 1.9 Field of View 44º Eye Relief (in mm) 3.6 3.9 Number of Elements 5 6 Weight (in oz) 4.2 4.9 Barrel Size 1.25" Dimensions 1.8" x 1.9" 2.2" x 1.9" - 價格
- 請查詢 Ask

存貨︰請查詢 Stock availability: Please ask
Light pollution suppression (LPS) filters are designed to suppress the common emission lines generated by artificial lighting, yet allow the important nebula emission lines to pass, thus enhancing the contrast of astronomical objects, particularly emission nebulae.
IDAS filters are specifically designed for balanced color transmission using the IDAS unique Multi-Bandpass Technology (MBT) process. The balanced transmission allows color photographs to be taken with minimal color cast to broadband emission objects such as stars, galaxies and globular clusters. The comparison photos at right demonstrate (qualitatively) that the IDAS filter maintains better color balance than other filters which have been designed for visual use.
尺寸︰ 28.6mm/37mm/46mm/52mm/62mm/67mm/72mm/77mm/82mm
本公司亦提供其他IDAS專業天文濾鏡, 歡迎來電/電郵查詢
- 規格
- IDAS 光害濾鏡 LPS-D1 詳細規格
- 價格
- Please Ask
BAADER Multi-Purpose Coma Corrector多用途彗差修正器

BAADER 多用途彗差修正器 Made in Germany
有現貨 Stock available
Multi Purpose Coma Corrector Mark III eliminates coma across the full photographic field without manipulating the focal length
MPCC Mark III properties:
- For photographic and visual use
- No change in focal length or field size, an f4 Newtonian remains f4.
- Newly calculated lens system - designed for an unvignetted field down to f3.5
- Maximum sharpness across the field - without center soft spot (as reported of other)
- Accepts T-2(M42x0.75) and/or 2"(M48x0.75) threaded photographic- or visual-adapters
- 2" stopping collar removable for increase in backfocus
- Phantom Group™ multicoated for maximum transmission and freedom from reflections from UV to NIR
The MPCC III is designed to be the most variable coma corrector in the market today. It mounts into every 2" focuser and fits CCD-filter wheels and off axis guiders of various manufacturers.
- 價格
- Please Ask

Baader UHC-S 1.25" & 2" filter Made in Germany
有現貨 Stock available

- 價格
- Special price $560
Dew Heater 防凝露加熱器(鏡頭及望遠鏡合用)

鏡頭及望遠鏡合用︰Dew Heater 防凝露加熱器
有現貨 Stock available
Dew heater can prevent formation of dew on the front element of the telescope/lens that hinder clear observation/ruin your precious photo!
使用防凝露加熱器可防止觀測及拍攝期間, 鏡頭或望遠鏡因溫差凝結露水而影響清楚觀測或破壞珍貴的照片
- 相關產品
- THOUSAND OAKS 4 Channel Digital Dew Heater Controller 四位防凝露加熱器控制器
- 價格
- Please Ask
太陽濾光咭片 / Polymer 眼鏡型濾光片 Eclipse Card/Spectacles

有現貨 Stock available
太 陽 濾 光 咭 片 3吋 x 5吋 Polymer Eclipse Viewer size 3 inch x 5 inch
百 份 百 美 國 製 造 100% made in USA
太 陽 濾 光 片 均 通 過 國 際 認 證 標 準,如 CE,EN 或 EC,絕 對 安 全
All Eclipse Viewers meet the safety requirements of an internationally recognized standard
Polymer 眼鏡型濾光片
優點 : 方便日蝕時操控其他儀器
Advantage: Can operate instruments by hand during eclipse
- 價格
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鐳射指星筆 AstroPen

有現貨 Stock available AstroPen GLP-S05
ASTRO PEN所有綠光鐳射筆在台灣組裝,並使用日本製造鐳射二極管
All Laser pointers assembled in Taiwan, Japan made laser diode installed
AstroPen GLP-S05 and S50
Output Power 50mW World highest quality
Japan made 300mW laser diode
Quality No 1: The only full series used Japan made laser diode (LD)
Output No 1: 300mW LD component used
Reliability No 1: Installed the seriously selected LD module, long time operation and stable output
Durability No 1: The most advanced heat sink technology with high output laser component, low & stable current resulted in long time usage
Quality control No 1: Strictest quality control procedure
Service No 1: Famous brand AstroPen with limited warranty
鐳 射 筆 常 識 知 多 少
平價的laser pointer廠家因成本關係, 設計用大電流, 輸入只可承載10mW或較低功率的鐳射ニ極管以增強其輸出, 至50mW, 100mW甚至200mW. 起初使用很光, 但很快便跌volt。 由於長時間使用並過熱, 鐳射二極管的壽命大幅減低. 再者, 非日本製造的劣質鐳射二極管充斥市面, 是導致很多使用者在短時間內消掉其鐳射筆的主兇。
其實裝置日本的鐳射二極管的鐳射筆也不能長按, 廠方建議1mW~30mW連續按45秒以下, 50mW連續按30秒以下. 遵守這些使用守則, 你的鐳射筆不難有3-5年的壽命。
希望大家明白以上的常識, 日後購買鐳射筆時懂得如何選擇及怎樣保護您珍貴的指星棒 !
Don't let those high output and cheap priced laser pointer in the market fools you. They installed 5mW LD, high current applied thus boost its power. High instantaneous power output, but decayed gradually due to high current drain, resulted in unstable output, short life, and even burned ultimately...$$$$.
- 規 格
- ‧波長Wavelength:532nm
‧電池Batteries:AAAx2, 4號電池x2
功率: max 100mW
‧波長: 532nm
‧輸出模式: CW/Pulse
‧操作電壓: 3V
‧操作電流: < 360mA
‧發散角: < 1.4mrad
‧尺寸: φ13x143mm
‧重量: 約 70g(含電池)
‧電源: 2xAAA batteries - 價格
- 所有價格以電話/電郵查詢為準