品牌分類 by BRANDS
- 美德 Meade
- 高橋 Takahashi
- 景德 William Optics
- Software Bisque
- 蔡司 Carl Zeiss
- 尼康 Nikon
- Thousand Oaks
- 巨眼 Grand Eye
- 其他 Others
儀器分類 by CATEGORY
- 雙筒望遠鏡 Binoculars
- 折射式望遠鏡 Refracting telescope
- 反射式及折反射式望遠鏡 Reflecting & Catadioptric telescope
- 赤道儀 / 經緯儀 Equatorial mount/ Altazimuth mount
- 太陽觀測 Solar observing
- 附件
- 目鏡 Eyepiece
- 雙目裝置 Binoviewer
- 調焦座 Focuser
- 轉接環 Adapter
- 雷射筆 Laser pointer
- 太陽濾光片 Solar filter & viewer
- 儀器保護箱 Carry case
- 三腳架 Tripod
- 其他 Others
To all schools in Hong Kong:

凡購買天文儀器滿港幣8000 元或Meade 套裝 天文望遠鏡,可免費獲得一次由天文匯派員到貴校提供儀器使用課程。
詳情可電郵 本公司 或致電 96383899查詢
All purchases exceed HKD8000 amount, your school will be granted a free seminar on telescope operation, care and maintenance.
For details, please contact our company or phone 96383899
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THOUSAND OAKS Solar Filter 太陽濾鏡

有現貨 Stock available
100% SAFE from 3" to 12" NEW LOW PRICE 新低價
高質耐用polymer物料, 透光率1/1,000的1%, 目視攝影合用. 美國製, 100%安全
US made with high quality polymer material. Transmission is 1/1,000th of 1% (Optical Density 5). Both visual and photographic use. Solar image is yellow-orange.
- 價格
Dimension 尺寸 mm (Solarite filter) New Low Price
新低價76(3000) / 82(3250 FS60) / 90(3500) / 95(3750) / 101(4000) $440 108(4250 EXT90) / 114(4500 FSQ85) / 127(5000) / 133(5250) $540 146mm(5750 FSQ106)/152(6000)/158(6250)/165(6500) $650 181(7125 LS6/LT6)/190(7500)/203(8000)/212(8375)222 $760 233(9187 M8/C8) / 254(10000 8"牛頓) $830 304mm (12000) $880 317mm (12500 C11合用) $940 349mm (13750 M12合用) $990
THOUSAND OAKS 4 Channel Digital Dew Heater Controller 四位防凝露加熱器控制器

THOUSAND OAKS 4 Channel Digital Dew Heater Controller 四位防凝露加熱器控制器
Four channel controller facilitate the output control of four dew heater for telescopes/lenses, energy saving can be achieved with suitable adjustment, very useful during observation in wild with limited power source.
Dew heater can prevent formation of dew on the front element of the telescope/lens that hinder clear observation/ruin your precious photo!
旋鈕控制, 可自由調節加熱器輸出功率, 節省電力, 於電源有限的野外觀測及攝影時尤其重要﹗
Dew heater in different length also available!
另備有不同尺寸之防凝露加熱器, 適用於各式鏡頭及望遠鏡, 長短兼備, 任君選擇
- 相關產品
- Dew Heater 防凝露加熱器(鏡頭及望遠鏡合用)(多種長度)
- 價格
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