品牌分類 by BRANDS
- 美德 Meade
- 高橋 Takahashi
- 景德 William Optics
- Software Bisque
- 蔡司 Carl Zeiss
- 尼康 Nikon
- Thousand Oaks
- 巨眼 Grand Eye
- 其他 Others
儀器分類 by CATEGORY
- 雙筒望遠鏡 Binoculars
- 折射式望遠鏡 Refracting telescope
- 反射式及折反射式望遠鏡 Reflecting & Catadioptric telescope
- 赤道儀 / 經緯儀 Equatorial mount/ Altazimuth mount
- 太陽觀測 Solar observing
- 附件
- 目鏡 Eyepiece
- 雙目裝置 Binoviewer
- 調焦座 Focuser
- 轉接環 Adapter
- 雷射筆 Laser pointer
- 太陽濾光片 Solar filter & viewer
- 儀器保護箱 Carry case
- 三腳架 Tripod
- 其他 Others
To all schools in Hong Kong:

凡購買天文儀器滿港幣8000 元或Meade 套裝 天文望遠鏡,可免費獲得一次由天文匯派員到貴校提供儀器使用課程。
詳情可電郵 本公司 或致電 96383899查詢
All purchases exceed HKD8000 amount, your school will be granted a free seminar on telescope operation, care and maintenance.
For details, please contact our company or phone 96383899
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Grandeye Binoculars: New Vision series
- 最新光學設計︰影像品質更佳
- 備有優質軟包、鏡片抺布、舒適揹帶
- 更時尚風格、質感再提升
- 堅持相宜價格︰低負擔、高享受﹗
實用陣容︰觀星、觀景、觀劇、觀鳥、觀生態 - 新視界全支援﹗
8x32 XR ︰ 輕便全能、隨身x隨心,演唱會首選,防水
8x42 XR ︰ 大口徑型號,防水,觀星、觀鳥最適﹗
6.5x32 ︰ 廣角之選,美景細節盡收眼底
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- 8x32 XR 8x42 XR 6.5x32
入門推介: 7x50 and 10x50 Binoculars 雙筒望遠鏡

7x50 and 10x50 Binoculars 雙筒望遠鏡
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50mm binoculars is "all around binoculars". They're suited for backpacking, birding, boating, camping, hiking, hunting, nature study, sporting events, travel, and more. And, it's good for the astronomy beginners - you don't have to use it with a tripod or "mount".
The 50mm binoculars comes with the magnification options of 7x, 10x, etc.
All 50mm binoculars come with Bak-4 prism, broadband multi-coating on the objectives, rugged rubberized metal bodies, all-glass lenses, right ocular diopter adjustment, brass 1/4-20 tripod adapter threading, case, caps, and strap.
Porro prism 10x50 waterproof wide angle with broadband multi-coating on objectives are popular as a multipurpose binoculars in U.S.
- 規 格
7x50 10x50 Objective size 50mm Magnification 7x 10x Prism BAK4 Optical coating Broadband fully multi-coated or multi-coated on objectives Body length 17.5-18.5cm Field of view at 1000m 119m 114m Exit pupil diameter 6.5mm 5mm Exit pupil distance 13mm 18mm Minimum focus distance 6-9m Net weight 0.5 kg Packing Soft nylon case Gross weight 0.6 kg - 價格
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10x60 Binoculars 雙筒望遠鏡(寬頻多層鍍膜)

10x60 Binoculars 雙筒望遠鏡 - Broad band multi-coated 寬頻多層鍍膜
有現貨 Stock available
50mm binoculars is "all around binoculars". They're suited for backpacking, birding, boating, camping, hiking, hunting, nature study, sporting events, travel, and more. And, it's good for the astronomy beginners - you don't have to use it with a tripod or "mount".
The 60mm binoculars comes with the 10x magnification
All the 10x60mm binoculars come with Bak-4 prism, broadband multi-coating on the objectives, rugged rubberized metal bodies, all-glass lenses, right ocular diopter adjustment, brass 1/4-20 tripod adapter threading, case, caps, and strap
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11x70 / 15x70 binoculars 雙筒望遠鏡

11x70 / 15x70 binoculars 雙筒望遠鏡
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One of the most popular binoculars is the 70mm series binoculars.
The 70mm binoculars install Bak-4 prism, full broadband multi-coating, rubberized metal bodies, all-glass lenses, right ocular diopter adjustment, improved "slow-focus", brass 1/4-20 tripod adapter threading, case, caps, and strap. And, with only 1.6 kg in weight, China made 70mm is one of few hand-held giant binoculars for serious deep-sky viewing.
Besides, it gives high definition and color rendition for terristerial viewing.
- 規 格
Objective lens dia. 70mm Magnification 15x Prism Bak4 Optical coating Broadband fully multi-coated
or broadband multi-coated on objectivesLong eyes relief Yes Body Length 28mm Body coverings Rubberized Field of view at 1000m 84m Exit pupil dia. 6.4mm Exit pupil distance 24mm Minimum focus distance 10m Net weight 1.6kg Packing Soft nylon case Gross weight 1.8kg (including outside packing) - 價格
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20x80 triplet 三分離式 **Limited quantity**

20x80 triplet 三分離式
有現貨 Stock available
80mm standard and lightweight (the longer one as shown in the pic.) binoculars are basically 15x70, but with 80mm objectives. The lightweight 80mm are in the exact same style of 15x70: rubberized body, the same Bak-4 prism and full broadband multi-coatings. 80mm lightweight are much lighter in weight (standard 2.0 kg, lightweight 1.8 kg) than the 80mm binoculars made by Japanese or German manufacturers, and so some people may find they can even handhold it for some time in the daylight. The 80mm standard with triplet objective (three-element objective) design and then it has a center post with higned rings. The triplet objective can improve the sharpness and color correction. Just as 15x70, Chinese 80mm triplet and lightweight binoculars represent the great value: high quality and unbeatable price.
- 規 格
Objective lens dia. 80mm Magnification 20x Prism Bak4 Optical coating Broadband fully multi-coated
or broadband multi-coated on objectivesLong eyes relief Yes Body Length 33mm Body coverings Rubberized Field of view 3.0° Exit pupil dia. 4mm Exit pupil distance 19mm Minimum focus distance 15m Net weight 2.7kg Packing black hard case - 價格
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25x100FB ASTRONOMICAL Binoculars 雙筒望遠鏡

25x100FB ASTRONOMICAL Binoculars 雙筒望遠鏡
有現貨 Stock available
25x100 FB is for the amateur astronomers who are experienced in using binoculars. The major difference between 25x100 FB and the 70, 80 and 90mm binoculars is the prism housing. The 25x100 FB's has better prism mount so that the front prism and rear prism are in much better alignment. Also, with the 25x100 FB prism housing, the objetive tubes are in perfect parallel positioning with eyepieces. The point is that the better collimation, the minimum prism light cutoff and more even focus are achieved.
Another major improvement is the blackened inside of the objective tubes. It doesn't use the common anti-dust paper with sticky oil to trap the dust and dirt - this makes the inside surfaces reflective and shiny. Instead, all internal surfaces of 25x100 FB are sprayed with a non-reflective black paint before assembly to decrease the reflection and increaser the contrast. This feature is only see in a few very high-end German and Japanese models.
25x100 FB has a rubberized all-metal body with hinged central bar as the mount. The design itself is more waterproof and shock-resistent than most of the giant binoculars. It's individual focus, 4.6 kgs in weight and 44.6 cm long. It's fully multi-coated and has accessible collimation screws.
- 規 格
Objective lens dia. 100mm Magnification 25x Prism Bak4 Optical coating Broadband fully multi-coated Long eyes relief Yes Body Length 45mm Body coverings Painted white finish Field of view 2.8° Exit pupil dia. 4mm Exit pupil distance 18mm Minimum focus distance 38m Net weight 4.6kg Packing aluminium case - 價格
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7X50MS / 10x50MS / 10.5x70MS 軍用規格雙筒鏡 military spec. binoculars

Produly presents: High quality, waterproof, shockproof, fully multi-coated, rubber armoured binoculars 7x50MS, 10x50MS, 10.5x70MS
有現貨 Stock available
Ergonomic design, shockproof & waterproof
7x50 & 10x50, individual focus with extra large eyepiece and enhance coating BAK4 prism
10.5x70M Military Standard Binoculars comes with aluminum case, strap, and tripod adapter
Individual focus, rigid design, rubber armoured & nitrogen filled usable in adverse weather, durable and maintenance free, 25mm extra long eye relief
High & Low Temperature Resistance-Operational: -40°C to 70°C
Tripod adapter with 1/4-20 thread adapt to all camera tripod
10.5x70MS Limited quantity offer
- 規 格
7x50MS 10x50MS 10.5x70MS Aperture 50mm 70mm Magnification 7x 10x 10.5x Prism BAK4 Optical coating (all air to glass surface) Fully multi-coated Broadband fully multi-coated Apparent field of View 52° 66° Field of view 7.5° 6.8° Field of view at 300m 52m 48m 87m(@1000m) Exit pupil 7.1mm 5.0mm Eye relief 25mm 22mm 23mm Weight 1.2 kg 2.65kg - 價格
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入門推介: 8x32 XR Binoculars 便攜雙筒望遠鏡
8x32 XR Binoculars 便攜雙筒望遠鏡

Pop up eye cap, rigid focusing knob, fully multi coated lens and BAK4 prism
Soft carry case
- 規 格
8x32 XR Maginification 8 Aperture 32mm Apparent field of view 52° Number of lens elements groups Field of view (width x distance) 117m @ 1000m Exit pupil (mm) 18.8 Waterproof Nitrogen gas filled Optical coatings (all air to glass surface) Broadband Fully multi-coated Prism roof Weight g - 價格
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Heavy duty metal L-adapter

Tripod adapter with 1/4-20 thread adapt to all camera tripod
有現貨 Stock available
Ideal for mounting any size binocular with 1/4-20 threading to a 1/4-20 tripod head. Very strong metal casting, with rubber insert on bottom, which prevents adapter from swiveling on tripod head.
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